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YAS Coaching was founded in 2021 to address a gap in corporate training and leadership coaching, specifically for women executives in the shipping and commodities trading industries. Recognizing the unique challenges these women face, such as feeling overlooked and struggling with self-confidence, YAS Coaching launched several tailored programs to support their growth. Since its inception, YAS Coaching has been a beacon of inspiration, guiding women to not only find their voice but to make it resonate within their organizations, benefiting everyone involved.

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YAS Coaching is on a mission to transform the corporate landscape for women in shipping and commodities trading. By providing specialized coaching that focuses on confidence, communication, and leadership, we aim to turn feelings of overwhelm into empowerment. Our programs are designed to ensure women’s voices are not just heard but respected and valued, leading to career advancements and a stronger presence in their fields.

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  • Authenticity : We believe in being genuine and true to ourselves
  • Transparency : We operate in an open and clear manner
  • Respect: We treat everyone with the highest level of respect
  • Trustworthiness: We build trust through our reliable and ethical actions

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At YAS Coaching, we foster a culture of support, growth, and empowerment. We are dedicated to creating an environment where every woman feels valued and heard. We believe in the power of community and regularly host events and workshops to strengthen the network of women executives. Through collaboration and mutual support, we aim to make the corporate world a more inclusive and diverse place.

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Founded in 2021, YAS Coaching addresses the gap in leadership coaching for women in the shipping and commodities trading industries. It offers various programs, including the 7-week Fundamentals Leadership one-on-one & group coaching program, and the STAR (Skills to Amazing Results) corporate leadership program for women in executive roles, successfully implemented in companies like HP. Since its inception, YAS Coaching’s programs and trainings have enabled women to excel in their roles with greater self-confidence, improved time management, better work-life balance, and enhanced communication skills, leading to significantly higher returns for their companies.

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In addition to our coaching program, Yas Coaching also offers workshops and trainings focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) for corporations. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is a strong workplace, and we strive to educate organizations on the importance of DE&I and how to implement it effectively. Furthermore, our leadership workshops are designed to equip individuals with the skills and strategies they need to lead effectively and confidently, regardless of their industry and gender. These workshops provide practical tools and insights that can be immediately applied in the workplace, resulting in stronger teams and more successful organizations.

What qualifies me to do the work that I do?

Well, let me see…
Firstly, I’m a spiritual being having a human experience, just like every one else on this planet. After that I happen to have been born female. I’m also a full-time mother to my beautiful young son, who brings me immense joy and pride. His presence in my life has taught me valuable lessons about maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

Over 35-years, I’ve held various positions across a multiple industries including marketing, finance, trading and shipping. I’ve worked as an employee, a Managing Director, a General Manager, a Board Director and I’ve launched new companies. My career has given me amazing opportunities to live in many different cities around the world, requiring me to constantly adapt to change.

For the last 25-years of my career I worked in the trading and shipping industry. Though I’d had glimpses that gender biases existed, it was in this predominantly male-dominated field that they became more evident to me.
I found myself constantly having to prove my capabilities and worthiness for promotions alongside my male counterparts.

I was raised to believe that I could achieve anything I set my mind to. My mother, a journalist and the first woman to be elected President of the Foreign Press Office at the UN, set the standard for me that a woman can accomplish anything she desires.

This is why YAS COACHING exists in the world today

I see myself as a lighthouse for people who need support and to have their voices heard. I am their light and their guide.
And I offer the same guidance for businesses too. I believe you can’t just support the people, because for real progress to happen you need to change the fundamental structure of how businesses view and handle Diversity and Inclusion.

But my work doesn’t just stop there!

I’ve done a lot of training too and am qualified in management and leadership coaching for individuals, I’m a certified life and business coach through the International Coaching Institute in Geneva, Health & Wellness Coach from the IIN New York and a certified Transformational Coach.
During 6 years I’ve also been the President of WISTA Switzerland (Women in Shipping and Trading Association & am still and active Board member. In that role,, I have organized many conferences and workshops. I’ve also been a member of the Board of both the STSA (Swiss Trading & Shipping Association) and the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association). I’ve had the opportunity to attend several Parliamentary dinners in Bern representing the Trading Industry, as well as participate in a number of panels and conferences to defend gender equality, mainly in trading and shipping.

As you can see, I have been a very busy woman

Because of my trading and shipping background, I’m particularly passionate about the Women in Maritime IMO’s gender equality program and my work now focuses primarily on the delivery of UNSDG #5 goal, taking this work into the trading and shipping industry.
So, that’s me…I’m someone who grabs every opportunity to stand in my role as a Gender Equality Warrior. I speak out for gender diversity and inclusivity, because this is my mission in life!