Clients Testimonials
I really enjoyed it
“I really enjoyed it” was the resounding response from our team members after the Time Management and Vision sessions with Yas Coaching. Kudos to Yasmina for creating a genuinely comfortable environment for us all to offer input, engage, and learn from one another.
Yasmina and I have known one another for several years and I was thrilled to introduce her to the TMS team. Even with the hybrid platform as many are still working from home, the energy level during the sessions was high as evident in the conversation and smiles on everyone’s face.
I highly recommend Yas Coaching to businesses around the globe!
I am grateful for having the chance to work with Yasmina on so many various topics.
One of my female colleagues always says, “the only thing you cannot do is NOTHING.” Working in a dominant male industry, building my perspective and confidence wasn’t always easy. That’s why I decided to move forward and start the “women in leadership” training from YAS coaching.
The objectives were to step outside my comfort zone, work on my (un)conscious biases, and beliefs in my values i.o. to become the best part of myself, the best leader I could be.
Challenge accepted! This coaching made me realize that I am the Captain of my boat and nobody has the right to change it.
Thank you, Yasmina Rauber, for this great coaching. I am grateful for having the chance to work with you on so many various topics.
These sessions have helped acknowledge the things that I have done and realize what are those things I need to change!
These sessions have helped acknowledge the things that I have done and realize what are those things I need to change. Being part of this program is a very pleasing experience. Yasmina is a great human being I can count on to share my feelings and who would truly help me improve. I’m so happy I got to meet her and be part of such a valuable program that is helping me overcome challenges in the best way possible.”
I really like the sessions, they make me rethink ...
I really like the sessions, they make me rethink and I have a concrete action item at the end of each session.
The leadership topics were useful and should also be available to men
I found the sessions timely during these times when leadership development is important to help us to navigate our careers and life. The Women in Leadership program with Yasmina Rauber addressed important issues for women today, which could be applied to life outside of work. The leadership topics were useful and should also be available to men.
The training is very engaging and rich
The training is very engaging and rich; it might sound simple but when we do exercises it really pushes us to think further. Is also great to see that we are not alone in our daily struggle to have a work life balance and pushes me to think further on how to improve myself based on other’s experiences.
Thank you Yasmina Rauber for delivering the “Unconscious Bias in the Workplace” webinar to our team
A diverse workforce and an inclusive environment is vital to Tototheo Maritime’s values. Thank you Yasmina Rauber for delivering the “Unconscious Bias in the Workplace” webinar to our team. It was an eye-opening and insightful. Thank you!
We truly enjoyed the training and had great conversation afterwards
“We truly enjoyed the training and had great conversation afterwards, which is good. It all starts with awareness! To be continued – we got the request of those who could not join- there will be another training. Thank you and keep up the great job!”
I discovered a new way of seeing things!
I have to thank Yasmina for convincing me to take the DreamBuilding course. I thought it would not be suitable for me, as I am a very practical person and not a dreamer. In fact, I discovered a new way of seeing things. Now I am aware of what I want to achieve, what process to follow to be focused and how to learn from any negative circumstances. But there is still more to learn. It depends on how committed you are. Yasmina will help you to be motivated as she is a very good listener and counsellor.
Yasmina brings a grounding and open-hearted presence to her coaching sessions
She creates a safe space for exploration and insight into oneself. She is a generous and caring coach who wants to see the best unfold for her coachees. I cannot recommend Yasmina highly enough!
I had the vision of what I wanted to achieve but did not know where to start
Working with Yasmina gave me the kickstart to make things happen and now I am on my journey to creating the life I envisioned full of meaning and purpose. I can highly recommend this programme to those who wish to make changes in their personal and professional life for the better. This is the best investment you could make in yourself.”
“When I first started the "Live Your Dream" program, I was quite desperate.
I had been looking for a job for more than a year. At the same time, I could see no resolution to an eleven-year-long family inheritance problem.
While following the program with Yasmina’s fantastic support, I started doing the work, implementing all the tools that I had been learning. I have been able to make a total shift in my life.
A few weeks after joining the course I was offered a position on a try & hire basis….and 2 months later I was hired full time.
Now the inheritance issue is finally moving forward. I have been able to get in touch with some family members I haven’t seen for 50 years. They were finally open to contact! The court case is going to be settled with a positive outcome.
Apart from the tools that I’ve learned, the support from Yasmina and my group have been amazing. Meeting once a week with like minded people was really uplifting and encouraging, which gave me the incentive to fully implement what I was learning.
Having since joined the Mastery Mastermind I’ve made further steps forward. Knowing I have continued support is keeping me accountable and making sure I keep pushing myself. The more I’m applying these tools the more natural they are becoming in my life.
Thanks to the "Live Your Dream" program I not only created a possibility, it actually became a reality.
Yasmina is a truly amazing woman and a professional at what she does. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone looking to accelerate to the next level in their lives.
I am so lucky to have gone through the “Live Your Dream” program with Yasmina. Through the program, I learnt frameworks and tools to live the life of my dreams and to create possibilities where there were none. An example of this is when I got some money back where I would have thought it impossible, but thanks to the program I not only created a possibility, it actually became a reality.
"Live Your Dream" Program: I’ve already noticed some amazing shifts that I never thought possible !
I’ve recently been interested in diving more into how I can create my dream life. I’ve heard so many different things and was never sure whether I believed it or not. Having now completed the 12 weeks I’m so pleased I signed up to the “Live your Dream” program.
I still have work to do, but this has created some great stepping stones and gives me the tools to move forward and make more and more of my dreams come true! I’ve already noticed some amazing shifts that I never thought possible.
Yasmina is an amazing teacher and I love her storytelling. The weekly sessions have been such a brilliant support and accountability from both Yasmina and the other group members. I’d highly recommend if you want to build the life of your dreams!
Yasmina’s coaching made me identify the issue and realize the root of the problem
“Having a chronic health issue, Yasmina’s coaching made me identify the issue and realize the root of the problem. It was an awakening for me to understand that I was thinking more complicated than I should, thus through this coaching I was able to evolve in the working environment as well as in my personal life, that is to be myself. I believe every person no matter the age should try out this coaching as it will enhance everyone’s abilities both in business and personal life.”.
Thank you Yasmina for your dedication and great support
“Managing emotions in difficult and conflict situations; setting the right priorities for project management or for career development; defining career objectives that fit best personality & aspirations; all have been among the topics that Yasmina guided me through while I was looking to professionally re-position.
Yasmina’s coaching gave me the necessary tools to proceed independently with my next professional and personal steps. She helped me tackle the obstacles that were preventing me from advancing in the best suitable way.
Thank you Yasmina for your dedication and great support”.
Yasmina guided me to gain back what I had lost!
I went through a rough period in my life which devastated my self-esteem and tried some coaching sessions with Yasmina, really did not know at that time what to expect.
She is fully professional and started tackling basic points like exercises to lose my fear of driving and getting lost or learning to prioritize and work on what made me feel good.
After a couple of months she guided me to gain back what I had lost and today I feel empowered.
I cannot thank her enough; I highly recommend Yasmina’s coaching to everyone with no doubt!
Yas Coaching brought the accountability I needed to follow through
After 8+ years in strategy consulting, I felt stuck in my career. While I kept delivering high performance and climbing the management ladder, I couldn’t get sufficient meaning and satisfaction out of it.
In my work with Yasmina I found clarity in my skills in interests. In just a few sessions we managed to create an action plan to bring meaningful changes in my situation. And Yas Coaching brought the accountability I needed to follow through.
I highly recommend Yascoaching!
La méthode CLEEN et Yasmina m’ont redonné le goût de vivre.
La méthode CLEEN et Yasmina m’ont redonné le goût de vivre.
Je vivais un sentiment de vide profond depuis toujours et en deux séances le vide béant est remplacé par un cocon le plus doux et sécurisant.
Merci YAS COACHING d’avoir transformé ma vie !
Merci beaucoup à Yasmina et à la méthode CLEEN
Merci beaucoup à Yasmina et à la méthode CLEEN qui, en une séance, m’ont permis de ne plus paniquer quand je perdais le contrôle d’une situation ou quand cela ne se passait pas comme je le souhaitais.
Mes enfants respirent à nouveau
Now I feel lighter. Thank you Yasmina, you have helped me so much!
I had a horrible feeling of hate that would not let me move forward with my life.
Yas Coaching proposed to use the Cleen method and after one session I still cannot believe how that hate turned into indifference and now I feel lighter.
Thank you Yasmina, you have helped me so much!