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Individual Coaching

Leadership Fundamentals

Unlock your Full Potential

This program can be followed either as a 1:1 coaching or in a group
During our 7 coaching sessions we will focus on:

  • The utmost importance of being an authentic leader in today’s disrupted world
  • How to keep your self-confidence at the top!
  • The 12 areas of the circle of life so you can thrive as a mother, spouse, companion, woman & as a leader
  • How to master your focus and habits for optimal performance
  • How to communicate effectively for clear and confident interactions
  • How to nurture self-awareness and emotional mastery (EQ)

Interested to know more about this program? Book a call in my calendar or send me an email me at Let’s discuss how I can best help you reach your goals.
I’m really looking forward to the pleasure of working with you!

Business and Life Coaching

The goal of a business & life coach is to help both business owners & Managers emphasize their leadership strengths, mitigate weaknesses, and establish a clear path that will help them make better business decisions and manifest their overall vision.
During our partnership you will gain:

  • Enhanced self-awareness and a positive mindset
  • Clear steps to achieve your success
  • Improved soft skills for better decision-making
  • Accountability and personal growth
  • Increased individual performance, productivity and confidence

I will also assist you in developing:

  • A positive mindset and clarity
  • Skills for making valuable business decisions
  • Accountability for your processes and identifying areas for change

To arrange an initial call to discuss how I can support you, please book an appointment in my calendar or email me at

Think Pink

The Support & Tools You Need to Create Your Dream Life!

Whether you feel stuck and overwhelmed, with no idea where to begin, or you know exactly what you want but need help bringing a specific dream to life, you’ll find the guidance and support you need right here!

With our transformational tools, proven systems and loving support, people have written books, started businesses, found their dream homes, attracted loving partners, found more meaningful jobs, and overcome seemingly impossible circumstances to create lives they absolutely love.

With Yasmina’s help, you too can harness the incredible power that lies within you, and radically change your life for the better — in far less time, and with far less effort than you might believe possible right now.

Bringing your vision to life opens the doors to a new you – an expanded, empowered, fulfilled version of you that is unshaken by challenges and unstoppable on the road to greater success. This program will teach you to break free from the paralyzing shackles of doubt, worry, unworthiness and self-judgment that hold you back.

By applying these principles, you will become who you are meant to be: someone who can replace fear, self-doubt and limiting beliefs with courage, confidence and clarity, propelling yourself towards your dreams… in ALL areas of life..

There’s nothing more exciting than to see individuals from all walks of life create phenomenal shifts in their thinking and results. Often, the person at the end of the coaching program is astonished at how much they achieved in such a short period of time.
Want to know if this program is for you? Book a FREE strategy session through my calendar or send me a mail hello@yascoaching.comDetails

As a certified life and business coach from International Coaching Institute Geneva and certified CLEEN practitioner, one of the possibilities for our work together is to include some CLEEN sessions.
CLEEN is Negative Emotional Footprints Release Coaching.
This revolutionary approach allows you to get rid–in one or several sessions–of most of the negative emotional reactions and blockages which are at the source of your difficulties in life. (in French).
CLEEN sessions can also be done independently of other coaching.
To arrange an initial call to discuss this specific coaching program & evaluate if this is something that could help you, please email me at

Career Change

In this tailored one-on-one program, we will focus on the following essential areas to support your career transition:

  1. Self-Discovery: Deepen your understanding of yourself by aligning your personal values, strengths, and knowledge with your life and professional goals.
  2. Clarity on Your Next Step: Gain a clear vision of what you truly desire and identify the direction you want to pursue.
  3. Boost Self-Confidence and Overcome Fear and Doubt: Break down any barriers that are holding you back, empowering you to pursue your goals with confidence and determination.
  4. Personal Branding and Purposeful Networking: Learn effective strategies to promote yourself and build a meaningful network to enhance your professional opportunities.
  5. Achieve Your Ideal Position: Develop a plan to secure a role that aligns perfectly with your career goals and aspirations.

This comprehensive program consists of 10 sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. Practical exercises will be incorporated throughout, including a review of your CV, Cover Letters, and other relevant materials.

To ensure that this course is tailored to the specific needs of each participant, we kindly request a free consultation call prior to enrollment.
